# 🧲 Curators

# What is the LBRY Foundation Curators Council?

  • Oversee the curators
  • Is responsible for allocating LBC to curators
  • Is responsible for rotating curators
  • Is responsible for making sure curators fill out the curation form
  • Is responsible for the curator’s monthly breakdown post
  • There are up to 5 active council curators at a time
  • Each active council curator is allocated two times what is allocated to curators
  • Each active council curator must move this LBC at least once per week
  • Each active council curator must fill out the curation form for every curated content
  • The LBC moves after one month

# How to become a curator?

# How curatorship works?

  • There are up to 5 curators at a time
  • 10,000 LBC is allocated to a curator
  • The curator must move this LBC at least once per week
  • The curator must fill out the curation form for every curated content
  • The LBC moves after one month

# How does it help the community?

LBRY is a blockchain based protocol that depends on people's curation instead of algorithms. Curation is the the core of the content flow in lbry blockchain.

Curators List (opens new window)